MEF National Schools

To bring up academically and socially developed, sensitive and curious world citizens who can use their mother tongue at the highest level and express themselves in other languages.
With its national and international schools, MEF’s mission is to prepare its students for life as individuals who are connected to their country with the ties of good citizenship, equipped with national and universal values, are self-reliant, take responsibility, think scientifically and analytically, are comfortable with technology, have an aesthetic sense, are productive and creative, are respectful to the past, protect the democratic and secular republic through the principles of Atatürk, and are respectful to people, society and nature.
As MEF Schools, by providing academically and socially strong education, we aim to achieve our mission by raising world citizens who:
- can use their mother tongue at the highest level,
- can express themselves in other languages,
- have developed analytical thinking skills,
- are sensitive to cultural values, art, nature and the environment,
- are lifelong learners,
- are peaceful and happy,
- serve their community faithfully,
- have high levels of responsibility,
- are capable of taking the initiative when necessary,
- are academically successful in local and international areas,
- think scientifically,
- are tolerant of other cultures and differences,
- and can adapt rapidly to the necessities and changes of time
MEF Philosophy
MEF Schools do not only provide information to students in order to achieve the values stated in its vision, mission and aims, they have also adopted the principles of applying a student-centered system that "teaches students to learn” by providing “mastery learning” and “learning-by-doing-and-experiencing” methods, which enable students to understand, apply, analyze and evaluate the information they have acquired, and to put it to use in creative, practical ways.
Within the framework of the aforementioned philosophy and in accordance with the mission of the institution:
MEF Schools established and started education in Istanbul on September 1, 1996 with Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary and High School, and in 1998 with the International School. In the 2004-2005 school year, MEF International School was opened in Izmir.
Since the 2011-2012 academic year, the previously opened kindergarten and primary school have started to operate in the new building of the institution.
With over 300 teaching staff and more than 2000 students, and with its International Schools in Izmir and Istanbul, MEF Educational Institutions are one the largest educational groups in the field, and the MEF International School in Izmir is the only international school in the city.
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