MEF Üniversitesi, Strategic Foresight Group, İsviçre Kalkınma ve İşbirliği (SDC) Ajansı’nın katkılarıyla 20 Eylül 2014, Cumartesi günü MEF Üniversitesi Maslak Kampüsü...
Arıkanlı Holding
Since 1972
The foundation of Arıkanlı Holding dates back to the establishment of the MEF Private Teaching Institutions in 1972. Arıkanlı Holding was established in 1996 when all the affiliate companies were joined together under one roof to achieve "strategic synergy and coordination."
Turkey's first cargo company Yurtiçi Kargo Servisi A.Ş. begins its operations.
MEF Yayıncılık A.Ş. (MEF Publishing) is established.
Enmersan Granit Mermer San. Tic. A.Ş. (Enmersan Granite and Marble) starts production in İzmir.
Arıkanlı Holding begins operations.
MEF National Schools open.
EBAV (Educational and Scientific Research Foundation) is established.
MEF National Schools open.
EBAV (Educational and Scientific Research Foundation) is established.
Günarı Marble joins Arıkanlı Holding.
MEF International Schools - Istanbul open for instruction.
ArıTur Turizm İşletmeleri San. Tic. A.Ş. starts operations.
ArıTur Turizm İşletmeleri San. Tic. A.Ş. starts operations.
Yurtiçi Lojistik A.Ş. is established.
Yurtiçi Kargo joins forces with Geopost, an enterprise of the French State Postal Service, with equal shareholding to found a new company, Geopost Yurtiçi Kargo A.Ş. (Geopost Domestic Cargo).
MEF Sports Club is established.
Yurtiçi Kargo joins forces with Geopost, an enterprise of the French State Postal Service, with equal shareholding to found a new company, Geopost Yurtiçi Kargo A.Ş. (Geopost Domestic Cargo).
MEF Sports Club is established.
MEF International Schools - İzmir starts instruction.
1000 Volt Film Prodüksiyon ve Tasarım San. Tic. A.Ş. (1000 Volt Film Production and Design) is established.
Atom Elektrik A.Ş. starts operations.
Atom Elektrik A.Ş. starts operations.
Arıkanlı İnşaat Paz. San. Tic. A.Ş. (Construction and Marketing) begins operations.
Arıkanlı İnşaat Paz. San. Tic. A.Ş. (Construction and Marketing) begins operations.
Yurtiçi Kurye Posta Dağıtım Ltd. (Courier Service) is established
Iris Şarapçılık (İris Wines) is established.
Arıkanlı İnşaat Paz. San. Tic. A.Ş. (Construction and Marketing) begins operations.
Yurtiçi Kurye Posta Dağıtım Ltd. (Courier Service) is established
Iris Şarapçılık (İris Wines) is established.
Arıkanlı Agricultural Enterprises is established.
The İbrahim Arıkan Foundation is established.
Arıkanlı Insurance is established.
Arıkanlı Insurance is established.
Arıkanlı Akaryakıt (Fuel Products) starts operations. (Arı-Pet)
Arıkanlı Organik begins operations.
Arıkanlı Organik begins operations.
Modern Eğitim Fen Dershanesi A.Ş. (Modern Education-Science Private Teaching School) is established.
Mersaş Mermer Sanayi A.Ş. (Marble Industries) starts to produce marble gift items.
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