Yurtiçi Kargo

Turkey's first cargo company, Yurtiçi Kargo, continues to be a pioneering leader in the cargo sector, working with quality and speed in providing technology-centered, customer-focused services.
Working with the slogan, "Just as We Promised," Yurtiçi Kargo was the first Turkish cargo company to dispatch parcels to destination around the world. Since 1982, the Company has been providing our country with speedy, high quality, reliable and technically sound cargo services. A member of FIATA (International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations) since 1997, Yurtiçi Kargo continues to be a pioneering company in the cargo sector with its 30 Transfer Centers, 19 Regional Offices, more than 760 branches, 13,000 employees and a vehicle fleet of 3000, reaching all 81 provinces of Turkey as well as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Combining its leadership position in the sector with quality human resources, customer-focused services, and an analytical management philosophy, Yurtiçi Kargo offers customers new products every year, thanks to its success in mobilization and innovation. Yurtiçi Kargo has succeeded in achieving sustainable growth and as such, provides services at world standards with its trained staff, widespread network of branches and its powerful IT infrastructure.
Ever since its first establishment, Yurtiçi Kargo has invested uninterruptedly, and today, besides the services it offers in domestic shipping, the company has taken important steps in the area of international shipping services. Since 2003, together with its solution partner GeoPost, one of the biggest cargo companies in Europe, Yurtiçi Kargo has been sending customer parcels to 230 destinations in the world. In short, Yurtiçi Kargo carries parcels to every part of the world.
Working with a mission of providing faultless services and reinforcing this with the quality standards it adheres to, Yurtiçi Kargo's concept of "The right service the first time around" reflects its quality philosophy.
As a result of the quality services it offers its customers, Yurtiçi Kargo:
- Received a TS EN ISO 9002 Quality System Certificate in 1999.
- Received a TS EN ISO 9001 in 2003, becoming the first cargo company to be awarded a 2000 Quality Systems Certificate.
- In 2010, the Company was awarded a TS EN ISO 9001: 2008 certificate from TSE and IQNet.
- In 2009, 2010, and 2011, the Company won first place among the brand listings of the Turkish Quality Association (KALDER) as the brand that customers are the most satisfied with in the domestic cargo sector, as shown on the "Customer Satisfaction Index of Turkey" (CSIT).
- 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012: Yurtiçi Kargo was given the "Super Brand" award in the Turkish cargo sector by Superbrands.
Yurtiçi Kargo continues to maintain its leadership in service quality as a company working with the latest technologies, a professional, trained and motivated staff and its slogan of "As Promised," continuously carrying the Turkish cargo sector further ahead. With the taxes it pays each year, Yurtiçi Kargo is right in line after THY in the transportation sector as the highest-paying taxpayer, proudly receiving a plaque each year for this distinction.
For more information : www.yurticikargo.com/